Hair System Guidance

A Hair System is a non-Surgical Solution to address hair loss or thinning hair. It involves  a customized or pre-made systems, wigs or toupeemade from either natural human haor or synthetic hair. The system is attached to the scalp using Tapes, Adhesives or clips, blinding seamlessly witht the individuals existing hair for a natural appearance.

By Using these factors, you can choose that fir your needs, lifestyle and budget while providing a natural and confident appearance.

  • Hair Loss Pattern: Determine the area and extent of the hair loss.
  • Hair Color: Match your natural hair color or desired shade.
  • Hair Density: Choose a density  (light, medium, and heavy) that matches your hair.
  • Hair Structure: Select straight, wavy, body wave, or curly hair to match your hair.
  • Hair Texture: Select the perfect hair texture (soft, silky, rough, and dull ) to match your hair.
  • Hair Length: Decide on the appropriate length for your needs.
  • Skin Tone: Your hair system’s lace and net should perfectly blend with your skin tone

Types of Hair Systems

Basic System

  • Less breathable, and can feel warm in a hot climate.
  • Easy to clean and maintain.
  • It has a slightly less natural look as compared to lace-based.
  • Best for those who need a balance between durability and budget.
  • Combines different materials like lace front with poly.
  • It can be styled, dyed, and treated like natural hair.
  • Affordable and low maintenance.
  • It has a Limited styling option compared to lace based system

Advance System

  • It provides a natural-looking hairline.
  • Breathable and Comfortable to wear.
  • Requires careful handling to prevent tearing.
  • Best for those who prioritize a natural appearance.
  • A thin, skin-like material that mimics the scalp.
  • Real hair collected from donors.
  • Looks and feels natural.
  • It can be styled, dyed, and treated like natural hair.
  • It provides a secure and seamless hold.
  • Can make any type of hair styling.

Customize System

  • It provides a natural-looking hairline.
  • Breathable and Comfortable to wear.
  • Requires careful handling to prevent tearing.
  • Best for those who prioritize a natural appearance.
  • A thin, skin-like material that mimics the scalp.
  • Real hair collected from donors.
  • Looks and feels natural.
  • It can be styled, dyed, and treated like natural hair.
  • It provides a secure and seamless hold.
  • Can make any type of hair styling.
  • Custom hair systems offer advantages over stock or readymade systems because they are tailored to meet an individual’s unique needs and preferences.
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